Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Understanding Dinosaur Combat

Understanding Dinosaur Combat In Hollywood movies, dinosaur fights have clear winners and losers, carefully demarcated arenas (say, an open patch of scrubland or the cafeteria in Jurassic Park), and usually a bunch of scared-out-of-their-wits human spectators. In real life, though, dinosaur fights were more like confused, chaotic bar brawls than Ultimate Fighting matches, and rather than persisting for multiple rounds, they were usually over in the blink of a Jurassic eye. (See a list of the Deadliest Dinosaurs, as well as Prehistoric Battles featuring your favorite dinosaurs, reptiles, and mammals.) Its important at the outset to distinguish between the two main types of dinosaur combat. Predator/prey encounters (for example, between a hungry Tyrannosaurus Rex and alone, juvenile Triceratops) were quick and brutal, with no rules except kill or be killed. But intra-species clashes (say, two male Pachycephalosaurus head-butting each other for the right to mate with available females) had a more ritualistic aspect, and rarely resulted in a combatants death (though one presumes serious injuries were common). Of course, in order to fight successfully, you need to be equipped with suitable weapons. Dinosaurs didnt have access to firearms (or even blunt instruments), but they were endowed with naturally evolved adaptations that helped them either to hunt down their lunch, avoid being lunch or propagate the species in order to restock the global lunch menu. Offensive weapons (like sharp teeth and long claws) were almost exclusively the province of meat-eating dinosaurs, which preyed on one another or on gentler herbivores, while defensive weapons (like armor plating and tail clubs) were evolved by plant-eaters in order to fend off attacks by predators. A third type of weapon consisted of sexually selected adaptations (such as sharp horns and thickened skulls), wielded by the males of some dinosaur species in order to dominate the herd or compete for the attention of females. Offensive Dinosaur Weapons Teeth. Meat-eating dinosaurs like T. Rex and Allosaurus didnt evolve big, sharp teeth merely to eat their prey; like modern cheetahs and great white sharks, they used these choppers to deliver quick, powerful, and (if they were delivered in the right place at the right time) fatal bites. Well never know for sure, but reasoning by analogy with modern carnivores, it seems likely that these theropods aimed for their victims necks and bellies, where a strong bite would cause the most damage. Claws. Some carnivorous dinosaurs (like Baryonyx) were equipped with large, powerful claws on their front hands, which they used to slash at prey, while others (like Deinonychus and its fellow raptors) had single, oversized, curved claws on their hind feet. Its unlikely that a dinosaur could have killed prey with its claws alone; these weapons were probably also used to grapple with opponents and keep them in a death grip. (Bear in mind, however, that huge claws dont necessarily connote a carnivorous diet; the big-clawed Deinocheirus, for example, was a confirmed vegetarian.) Eyesight and smell. The most advanced predators of the Mesozoic Era (like the human-sized Troodon) were equipped with large eyes and relatively advanced binocular vision, which made it easier for them to zero in on prey, especially when hunting by night. Some carnivores also possessed an advanced sense of smell, which enabled them to scent prey from far off (though its also possible that this adaptation was used to home in on already-dead, rotting carcasses). Momentum. Tyrannosaurs were built like battering rams, with enormous heads, thick bodies, and powerful hind legs. Short of delivering a fatal bite, an attacking Daspletosaurus could knock its victim silly, provided it had the element of surprise on its side and a sufficient head of steam. Once the unlucky Stegosaurus was lying on its side, stunned and confused, the hungry theropod could move in for the quick kill. Speed. Speed was an adaptation shared equally by predators and prey, a good example of an evolutionary arms race. Since they were smaller and more lightly built than tyrannosaurs, raptors and dino-birds were especially quick, which created an evolutionary incentive for the plant-eating ornithopods they hunted to run faster as well. As a rule, carnivorous dinosaurs were capable of short bursts of high speed, while herbivorous dinosaurs could sustain a slightly less brisk pace for a longer period of time. Bad breath. This may sound like a joke, but paleontologists believe that the teeth of some tyrannosaurs were shaped so as to purposely accumulate shreds of dead tissue. As these shreds rotted, they bred dangerous bacteria, meaning any non-fatal bites inflicted on other dinosaurs would result in infected, gangrenous wounds. The unlucky plant-eater would drop dead in a few days, at which point the responsible Carnotaurus (or any other predator in the immediate vicinity) chowed down on its carcass. Defensive Dinosaur Weapons Tails. The long, flexible tails of sauropods and titanosaurs had more than one function: they helped to counterbalance these dinosaurs equally long necks, and their ample surface area may have helped dissipate excess heat. However, its also believed that some of these behemoths could lash their tails like whips, delivering stunning blows to approaching predators. The use of tails for defensive purposes reached its apex with the ankylosaurs, or armored dinosaurs, which evolved heavy, macelike growths at the ends of their tails that could crush the skulls of unwary raptors. Armor. Until the knights of medieval Europe learned to forge metallic armor, no creatures on earth were more impervious to attack than Ankylosaurus and Euoplocephalus (the latter even had armored eyelids). When attacked, these ankylosaurs would plop down onto the ground, and the only way they could be killed was if a predator managed to flip them onto their backs and dig into their soft underbellies. By the time the dinosaurs went extinct, even titanosaurs had evolved a light armored coating, which may have helped fend off pack attacks by packs of smaller raptors. Sheer bulk. One of the reasons sauropods and hadrosaurs attained such enormous sizes is that full-grown adults would have been virtually immune to predation: not even a pack of adult Alioramus could hope to take down a 20-ton Shantungosaurus. The downside to this, of course, was that predators shifted their attention to easier-to-pick-off babies and juveniles, meaning that out of a clutch of 20 or 30 eggs laid by a female Diplodocus, only one or two might manage to reach adulthood. Camouflage. The one feature of dinosaurs that rarely (if ever) fossilizes is their skin colorso well never know if Protoceratops sported zebra-like stripes, or if Maiasauras mottled skin made it difficult to see in dense underbrush. However, reasoning by analogy with modern prey animals, it would be very surprising indeed if hadrosaurs and ceratopsians didnt sport some kind of camouflage to cloak them from the attention of predators Speed. As mentioned above, evolution is an equal-opportunity employer: as the predatory dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era become faster, so do their prey, and vice-versa. While a 50-ton sauropod couldnt have run very fast, the average hadrosaur could rear up onto its hind legs and beat the bipedal retreat in response to danger, and some smaller plant-eating dinosaurs may have been capable of sprinting at 30 or 40 (or possibly 50) miles per hour while being chased. Hearing. As a general rule, predators are endowed with superior sight and smell, while prey animals possess acute hearing (so they can run away if they hear a threatening rustle in the distance). Based on an analysis of their crested skulls, it seems likely that some duck-billed dinosaurs (like Parasaurolophus and Charonosaurus) could bellow to each other over long distances, so an individual hearing the footsteps of an approaching tyrannosaur would be able to warn the herd. Intra-Species Dinosaur Weapons Horns. The fearsome-looking horns of Triceratops may only have been secondarily intended to warn away a hungry T. Rex. The position and orientation of ceratopsian horns lead paleontologists to conclude that their main purpose was in dueling with other males for dominance in the herd or breeding rights. Of course, unlucky males might be wounded, or even killed, in this processresearchers have unearthed numerous dinosaur bones bearing the marks of intra-species combat. Frills. The giant head ornaments of ceratopsian dinosaurs served two purposes. First, oversized frills made these plant-eaters look bigger in the eyes of hungry carnivores, which might opt to concentrate on smaller fare instead. And second, if these frills were brightly colored, they could have been used to signal the desire to fight during mating season. (Frills may also have had yet another purpose, as their large surface areas helped to dissipate and absorb heat.) Crests. Not quite a weapon in the classic sense, crests were protrusions of bone most often found on duck-billed dinosaurs. These backward-pointing growths would have been useless in a fight, but they may well have been employed to attract females (theres evidence that the crests of some Parasaurolophus males were larger than those of the females). As mentioned above, its also likely that some duck-billed dinosaurs funneled air through these crests as a way of signaling to others of their kind. Skulls. This peculiar weapon was unique to the family of dinosaurs known as pachycephalosaurs (thick-headed lizards). Pachycephalosaurs like Stegoceras and Sphaerotholus sported up to a foot of bone on the tops of their skulls, which they presumably used to head-butt one another for dominance in the herd and the right to mate. Theres some speculation that pachycephalosaurs may also have butted the flanks of approaching predators with their thickened domes.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Describe Gibberish

How to Describe Gibberish How to Describe Gibberish How to Describe Gibberish By Maeve Maddox The recent post on greeking prompted a reader to remark: And, of course, theres Double Dutch. Where did that come from? Double Dutch is another expression meaning â€Å"incomprehensible speech.† The â€Å"Dutch† refers to the idea that a foreign language is incomprehensible to one who hasn’t learned it. The â€Å"double† is an intensifier. â€Å"Double Dutch† is a language twice as difficult to understand as â€Å"plain ‘Dutch’†. Here are some more nouns to express the idea of unintelligible vocalization that is either entirely unintelligible, or which may be understandable on some level, but makes no sense, or is inconsequential. babble: probably an imitative word suggesting baby talk. I used to think it came from the story of the Tower of Babel, but apparently no etymological connection can be traced. The meaning â€Å"to repeat oneself incoherently† is known from about 1418. balderdash: originally referred to a jumbled mix of liquors, for example milk and beer or beer and wine. In 1674 it meant â€Å"senseless jumble of words.† baloney: originated as American slang word meaning â€Å"nonsense.† Could be from bologna, but could also have derived from blarney. bilge: â€Å"stupid talk or writing† The bilge is the â€Å"lowest internal part of a ship.† A lot of nasty stuff accumulates there. blather: â€Å"nonsensical talk† May have come into English via Scots dialect from a Scandinavian word meaning â€Å"babble.† bull: Most of us probably think of â€Å"bull† as short for â€Å"bullshit,† but bull with the meaning â€Å"trivial or false statements,† has been around since Middle English. The ME word probably derived from French boul meaning â€Å"false talk, fraud.† It may be connected to modern Icelandic bull meaning â€Å"nonsense.† Bullshit is American slang dating from 1915 with the meaning â€Å"eloquent and insincere rhetoric.† bunk: another American slang word meaning â€Å"nonsense.† It originated in 1847 with a politician from North Carolina who explained that his boring speeches in Congress were intended to impress his constituents â€Å"back home in Buncombe.† The spelling quickly became bunkum and has dwindled into bunk. drivel: â€Å"stupid or senseless talk.† This one comes from OE dreflian, â€Å"to dribble or run at the nose.† eyewash: â€Å"blarney, humbug.† According to the OnlineEtymologyDictionary, this expression is chiefly British, is perhaps from the notion of something intended to obscure or conceal facts or true motives. But this, and expression my eye also may be the verbal equivalent of the wink that indicates one doesnt believe what has been said (cf. Fr. mon oeil in same sense, accompanied by a knowing pointing of a finger to the eye). gibberish: probably another imitative word suggesting the sound of chatter. Gibberish is totally unintelligible. gobbledygook: â€Å"unclear, wordy jargon.† This is another word we owe to the sphere of politics. In another post I mentioned the eponym â€Å"maverick† that comes from the surname of rancher Samuel Maverick (1803-1870). The word gobbledygook was coined in 1944 by one of his grandsons, Texas representative Maury Maverick. In a memo dated March 30, 1944, he banned the use of â€Å"gobbledygook language† and threatened to shoot anyone who used the words activation or implementation. He said he based the word on the sound a turkey makes. guff: â€Å"empty talk, nonsense.† This is another word of imitative origin, possibly based on puff. hogwash: â€Å"worthless, false or ridiculous speech or writing.† Originally hogwash was slops fed to pigs. Then it came to mean cheap liquor. The meaning â€Å"inferior writing† dates from 1773. jargon: The word entered English with the meaning â€Å"unintelligible talk, gibberish† in 1340. It derives from a French word meaning â€Å"a chattering of birds.† Now it can mean technical terminology associated with a specific occupation. Practitioners understand jargon, but to those not in the know, its gibberish. mumbo jumbo: â€Å"unintelligible or incomprehensible language.† The term is supposed to derive from an African idol in the Niger region, but no likely source has been found. The meaning â€Å"big, empty talk† is documented from 1896. piffle: â€Å"foolish or futile talk or ideas.† Probably an imitative word derived from a contemptuous blowing sound, or it could be a conflation of trifle and piddle. poppycock: â€Å"senseless talk, nonsense.† This one sounds comical, but if you think about it, it’s as disgusting as bilge: 1865, probably from Du. dialect pappekak, from M.Du. pappe soft dung (see pap) + kak dung, from L. cacare to excrete. OnlineEtymologyDictionary. prattle: â€Å"idle or meaningless chatter.† This is another imitative word. The verb is prate. tripe: â€Å"something of no value.† The literal meaning of tripe is the rubbery lining of the stomach of cattle or other ruminants, used as food. twaddle: â€Å"silly talk.† The origin is unknown. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Writing Prompts 10145 Synonyms for â€Å"Old† and â€Å"Old-Fashioned†How Many Sentences in a Paragraph?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Increasing Technology and Its Impact on Children Essay

Increasing Technology and Its Impact on Children - Essay Example exposure to computing environments may lead to "individuals incapable of dealing with the messiness of reality, the needs of community building, and the demands of personal commitments" (Behrman, 2000). Moreover, exposure to violent computer games are associated with increased aggressive behavior (Subrahmanyam et al, 2000). Excessive, unmonitored use of computers can place children at risk on their physical, social, and psychological development, and expose them to inappropriate violent, sexual, as well as commercial content (Behrman, 2000). Cellphones. Another gadget that would give probable negative effects of technology on children is the cell phone. An important report linked heavy use of mobile phones to ear and brain tumours and concluded that risks had been underestimated by most scientists (Coates, Hawkes & Blair, 2005). William Stewart, chairman of the National Radiological Protection Board of United Kingdom said that children are at greater risk of harm when using their mobile phones. Recommending that children under the age of eight not use mobile phones, Stewart's report on Mobile Phones and Health discussed four studies that are of public interest. One of these was a ten-year Sweden study that advised that heavy mobile users are more prone to non-malignant tumors in the ear and brain; whereas a Dutch study had suggested changes in cognitive function. A project supported by the EU had shown evidence of cell damage from fields typical of those of mobile phones, whereas the German study has hinted at an increase in cancer around base stations (Coates et al., 2005). On the other hand, William Thomas (2003) wrote that cell phones harm children even worse than adults. Thomas bared the new findings by the Spanish Neuro Diagnostic Research Institute. He quoted... This report approves that the age of the child and his or her developmental stage must be taken into account when considering computer use. The same can be said with the ubiquitous cell phone and iPod. Accordingly, for very young children the answers to these questions are usually "no" as their use for most children under age three does not have meaning for the child. To reduce such risks, it is proposed that children's time of use on these technologies be limited and their exposure to different types of content should be supervised. Technology has its bad side. In children's interactions with parents and other adult authority figures, the traditional parent–child relationship is reversed, with the computer-savvy child becoming teacher to the parent, eroding authority structures, and resulting in children as less accepting of parental authority. Children learn to form "electronic friendships" with computers instead of friendships with their peers and this might hinder them in developing their interpersonal skills. The Alliance for Childhood thinks technology is not helpful but doing the opposite - worsening academic performance and increasing drop-out rates. As these studies have shown, when used appropriately, technology can support and extend learning in valuable ways and can increase educational opportunities for children and fulfill their communication needs. The key is just in finding the balance, knowing how to coordinate the components of a healthy childhood with the unequalled potentialities offered by technology.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Resolving Ethical Business Challenges Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Resolving Ethical Business Challenges - Essay Example In this situation, Marry is also facing an ethical problem that either she should care for the customers to lie or to speak the truth. On the other side, it is also important that if she lies to the building owner and the buyer then what would be the benefit of it. In the business world, the ethics program may also include the true and sincere involvement of the employees with their business and the business parties and stakeholders. If Mary lies to the building owner and hides the reality of her negotiation with the owner of the buyer then it also indicates that she is trying to fulfill her duty. However, she may face a little problem after the negotiation when both parties will come to know the truth. At least until that time, the building will be sold and this sale is actually beneficial for both parties. The building is not considered for many years and now the only customer who wants to own this building is here. Therefore, if Mary put her efforts to make this purchase possible then it will not be considered as unethical. However, it is quite possible that if Mary is successful in her efforts to convince Ted that the buyer is purchasing that building for a noble cause and he cannot arrange the required down payment because of the charity funds. Then it will not be a problem for the buyer and the seller that there is an issue with the agreement.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Bless Me Ultima Essay Example for Free

Bless Me Ultima Essay What will Antonio become when he grows up? A priest? A vaquero? A curandero? A farmer? Antonio’s future is not clear because, at the end of the novel, he has finally decided to choose his own path. Instead of listening to the beliefs of his mother or the desires of his father, he will fulfill Ultima’s encouragement to follow his heart. With this in mind, it seems likely that Antonio will probably become a man of learning according to Ultima, Whether or not this means that Antonio will become a priest as well is uncertain. Considering his questions about religion and morality and his anxieties about sin, it seems as if the life of a priest is not for him. However, no matter what he decides to do when he becomes an adult, the most important thing is that he has learned to make his own path. â€Å"I had more time to spend with Ultima, and in her company I found a great deal of solace and peace.† (Anaya 223) If Antonio found solace and peace with Ultima because of what she did (being a curandera). So why should he give up his solace and peace once she was gone? If becomes a curandero he would give himself solace and peace because of what he would do like Ultima. â€Å"I dropped to my knees; bless me, Ultima† (Anaya 260) Antonio asked to bless him right before she died. Antonio did not ask her to bless him in the name of God but a being a curandera. This seems to make Antonio not believe in God but in the powers of curandera. â€Å"I bless you in the name of all that is good and strong and beautiful, Antonio. Always have the strength to live. Love life, and if despair enters your heart, look for me in the evenings when the wind is gentle and the owls sing in the hills. I shall be with you†(Anaya 261) Ultima’s final blessing to Antonio Her statement also gives Antonio a idea with which to understand her death by offering a sequence of physical objects that he can see as symbols of her life and through which he can continue to feel her presence. Antonio will be without Ultima and will have to make his own choices without her guidance from now on, but she makes it clear in this blessing that her spirit will endure with him and that the lessons she has taught him will still serve him well even after she dies.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Flat Tax :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Taxation has always been a major controversy. Just like any major corporation, the government is constantly looking to raise revenue. The easiest and fairest way to do this is by taxing the people. However, how the people will be taxed is always an issue.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The current tax system that the United States uses contains several flaws. First of all, it is very complex. It is comprised of many various variables that can create loopholes. These loopholes can cause two equal income families to be paying very different tax rates. In fact, there are 480 different types of tax forms (Website). The current tax system is also very unfair for the wealthy. Because it is a progressive tax, it is higher for people who have higher incomes. People should not be punished for being successful. If a flat tax policy were instituted, then it would simplify the complicated tax system, create fairness within the economy, and promote a desire to thrive financially.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The flat tax would simplify the tax system because instead of filling out a variety of complicated forms, a person would only need to tell the IRS how much money they make, then give the percent of that amount. This would dissolve all of the loopholes that exist within the current system. It would cut back on the opportunities for unethical people to cheat. If the flat tax system were taken, taxpayers would save 94% in compliance costs (Website).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The flat tax will make taxes fair for all people. No matter what race a person is, what social class a person is in, or who they’re friends with, they will end up paying the same rate. Every single taxpayer will have to sacrifice just as much of his or her life as the next person down the road. One of the three main reasons for taxes is to maintain fairness. This is most reasonable ways to maintain fairness. The wealthy will still be paying more money than the poor person, but they both have the same tax burden.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Because all economic brackets are taxed equally under a flat tax, earning more money is no longer discouraged. Because there are no more marginal tax rates, people will have incentive to work more without worrying that the extra money they make will be taxed higher. It is said that the economy would grow by 5.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Environmental Factors the Affect the Marketing Procedures of Coca Cola International Essay

Coca Cola is an international business company that needs international advertising as well. Businesses spend billions of advertising dollars every year because they know that viewers are influenced by what they see and hear. They don’t spend that money because they think advertising might work; they know it works. It sells their products. In 2004, The Coca-Cola Company spent 2. 2 billion dollars advertising its products worldwide in print, on the radio, and on television. Was the investment worthwhile? The company made nearly 22 billion dollars in profits for that year. Advertisers realize that one ad may not affect behavior. Instead, they rely on the cumulative impact of years of indoctrination. The truth is, with just a minute’s airing of an advertisement, some thousands of consumers are rather attracted to buy the products shown on TV. With this fact in mind, it could be noted that advertising is rather considered as one of the major procedures of marketing that any type of company could invest upon. However, the question is how sure are the advertisers that their products would sell up through the presentation that they make through advertising? What are the factors that contribute to the said effects of advertising marketing to the consumers? This is what is considered within the discussion of how the environmental factors actually affect the impact of advertising towards the target consumers. The Marketing Strategy’s Effective Placement As noted earlier, Coca Cola is an international beverage company that actually handles the production of drinks that are likely to soothe the drinking needs of the consumers. However, selling beverages may not appear to be as easy as it looks. Most people would consider the beverages presented by Coca Cola to the society are likely for hot times only. How then is the company coping up with its sales during cold season? It is undeniable that Coca Cola, upon observation, tries to make the best out of the time that they are given. It could be noted that even during the cold seasons, the said company is able to attract consumers that are likely fond of the beverages that they offer no matter what weather there may be. December is likely the winter time which usually caters hot beverages and their promotions to the buying public. However, Coca Cola managed to use the said environmental change in terms of weather for their own advantage. Coca Cola’s advertisement of Santa Claus holding Coke Beverages is indeed an attractive approach, whereas the company paved the way to a more appreciated matter of the season than that of the cold weather itself. It was a rather creative approach that has given this advertisement a major difference from that of the other marketing strategies used by the same company. Obviously, their approach to the situation has placed them in a better edge against their competitors in the industry thus giving the company better gains than the others for annual productivity for the entire business organization. Conclusion Weather is just one particular factor in the advertising and marketing word that actually affects the approach of product promotion in the field of consumer-producer relationship. It is undeniable through that weather, single as it is, has a great effect on the presentation of advertisements during specific seasons as suggested by the environment itself. Coca Cola on the other hand has been able to take responsible consideration of these unavoidable changes in the environment for the their own good that actually outlines the possibility that they are then given the rightful share of their own creativity in presenting their marketing approach in the field of advertising. As a result, the said company was able to get the best out of the possible changes of the environment. Their gains and the edge against their competitors that they were able to accomplish through the said approached saved their values for service and profit well. True, environment itself may present challenges to different companies with regards the launching of the different products that they present to the society, however, effective utilization of the said situations for the benefit of the organization could make the strategy of marketing more apprehended and efficient for international advertising approaches.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Career Service

Allyssa Snyder Career services 9 am class 1-9-13 Employability skills in an office My paper is going to be focused on the topic how will you use employability skills and in your career. Employability skills are very important in my career because you are around people all the time. If you didn’t have communication in a dental office you wouldn’t get anything done if you didn’t have teamwork in an office you would have to pay more people to do it individually if you don’t solve problems the there will always be problems in the office.Initiative in an office is important so that people can get tasks done faster and shows responsibility and politics. Planning and organization is also needed in an office so that you can schedule appointments and organize where the supplies and office equipment goes in the office. Self-management is how you keep yourself on time, responsible, and in self-control essay writer premium 3d. Learning in an office is important becaus e you learn new things and new techniques and you are never too old to learn new things.Technology is very important and office because you have you are growing every year and you need to keep up with the new technology and office. Communication in an office is important, between the boss and their employees, between the employees and the patient’s. The communication between the boss and their employees is important so that they know what to do in the office and how you want things were on. The communication between the employee and the patient is important so they know what’s wrong what they need. It is also important during scheduling.When you are working in an office you should also be a people person, you don’t want to have a negative attitude around patients. If you have a bad attitude when you are around patients they won’t want back to your office. That is why I think communication is important in an office. Teamwork in an office is common between the dental assistant and the dentist. If there wasn’t teamwork in the office there would be no dental assistants and the dentist would be working alone. It would take longer for the patient to be seen and also the octor would be tired by the end of the day. The dental assistant and dentist work together to examine the patient, do procedures on the patient. The dental assistant handles the paper work and scheduling for the doctor. Problem solving is an important skill to have, when you’re in an office and something happens you have to know how to handle is calmly, quietly and quickly. You don’t want the office to find out what happened and they worry what’s going on. When there is a problem with the insurance company that is when communication skills come in. ou have to know how to talk to them to resolve the problem. If there is a problem with the doctor then you have to remain calm when you talk to him and you have to know how to ask questions and listen to what they say. That’s why problem solving is important in a dental office. Organization and planning is useful in an office. When you are organized you know where things are in the office. You wouldn’t have a problem knowing where charts are, supplies and equipment is. Planning is useful in a office so that you know what the schedule is for the day and what the doctor is doing.Without those two skills the office would be very chaotic. You would not know where anything was or when appointments are. That’s why organization and planning is useful in an office. Self-management is when you are responsible for yourself and you go to work on time, do what your suppose to and take on new commitment. If you don’t make it to work on time or do not show up then the office would be short handed and you would of left then in a tight spot with less employees to see the patients for the day.If you don’t do what your suppose to then that means someone else has to do it, and that is not fair. That’s what you need to have good self- management skills or you would will not make it far in life. There are new techniques and technology that you have to learn. The technology is important so that you can know how to schedule appointment, know how to do the charting and most important emails and phone calls so that you can keep in touch with the employees and the patients.All these skills are important so that you can have a successful career in anything you do. All my examples are in the dental field because that’s the field I am going into. The three most important to my success is communication, so you can ask questions. Team work, not all the stress is not me if we work as a team. The last skill that is important to me is learning, so I know what the office is doing, what technology and also what techniques the doctor uses.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Honeybees As A Resource Essays - Beekeeping, Pollination, Bees, Apis

Honeybees As A Resource Essays - Beekeeping, Pollination, Bees, Apis Honeybees As A Resource Honeybees as a Resource Honeybees are very useful to humans. As their name suggests, they make the sweet, delicious treat known as honey that we enjoy. They also make beeswax from which we make many useful items. But the most important thing bees do for us is to pollinate the plants. The honeybee visits flowers which secrete a sweet liquid called nectar. This water-like nectar is sipped from the blossoms by the bee and carried to the beehive. The raw nectar goes into the cells in almost the same condition as it was when the bee sipped it from the flowers. It is inside the hive that house bees evaporate the nectar down to the thick consistency which is what we know as commercial honey. We usually think of the main use of honey as a spread on bread, pancakes or biscuits. However, honey has a large use in cooking; such as pastries, canned foods, milk drinks, desserts, frostings, syrups, and salad dressings. Honey contains simple sugars and does not require digestion like regular sugar, so it is useful for quick energy pick up and even for diabetic people. Most honey is sold as extracted honey but it is also sold on the honeycomb which is the wax chambers the bees make in the hive in which to store the honey. The wax comes from a worker bee's belly when she is fourteen to twenty-one days old. The wax chambers are just big enough for a bee to crawl inside. Sometimes people like to eat honeycomb. It can be eaten on toast or as is; then the wax becomes like a chewing gum, but like chewing gum it should not be swallowed. In recent years a new process called the Dyce process has made it possible to make a very nice granulated honey called creamed honey which is gaining in popularity. However, granulated honey is not used much commercially because it is still an almost unknown honey product. Beeswax is the second most important product produced by the honeybees. Beeswax, the earliest of waxes, has been used in the form of candles for lighting. This is today the second largest use of beeswax. The Roman Catholic Church used to require that pure beeswax candles be used in church but as the numbers of churches grew there wasn't enough beeswax available so that now the Catholic Church requires that candles are at least 51 percent beeswax. The reason the church requires beeswax candles is because the candles do not smoke. Probably the largest user of beeswax today is the cosmetic industry. Beeswax is used as the emulsifying agent in face creams, lipsticks, lotions and rouges. It is also used in shoe polish, sporting goods and military hardware. The beekeeper himself is the third largest user of beeswax which he gives to the bees as the base of their new comb. There are 70 or more commercial uses of beeswax today. Each year in the United States some 200 million pounds of honey and four to six million pounds of beeswax are produced. Honeybees are not the only insect that pollinates plants, but they are the best. A lot of our food, such as corn, tomatoes, peas, squash, strawberries, apples, pears, and watermelon would not continue without this pollination. During the last three weeks of a worker bee's life, they fly out of the hives as a forager. The bees take pollen and nectar to the hive and deposit it into cells. During a foraging trip each individual bee will collect pollen from just one kind of plant. By doing this, each bee helps pollinate the blossoms. When the bee crawls around on the blossom, the pollen (containing male plant reproductive cells) clings to fine hairs located on the bee's legs. The pollen is carried from one blossom to another blossom of the same kind of plant, where it sticks to the female part of the flower. Without pollination plants would not produce fruit or seeds. Without seeds now new plants could grow. Pollen is carried in small pollen baskets on the outer sides of the bees legs. In order to fill the baskets with pollen, the bee uses her mouth parts and scrapes the pollen from the blossoms and hairs on

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Easy Method to Prepare a Chemical Solution

Easy Method to Prepare a Chemical Solution Heres a quick overview of how to prepare a solution when the final concentration is expressed as M or molarity. You prepare a solution by dissolving a known mass of solute (often a solid) into a specific amount of a solvent. One of the most common ways to express the concentration of the solution is M or molarity, which is moles of solute per liter of solution. Example of How to Prepare a Solution Prepare 1 liter of 1.00 M NaCl solution. First, calculate the molar mass of NaCl which is the mass of a mole of Na plus the mass of a mole of Cl or 22.99 35.45 58.44 g/mol Weigh out 58.44 g NaCl.Place the NaCl in a 1-liter volumetric flask.Add a small volume of distilled, deionized water to dissolve the salt.Fill the flask to the 1 L line. If a different molarity is required, then multiply that number times the molar mass of NaCl. For example, if you wanted a 0.5 M solution, you would use 0.5 x 58.44 g/mol of NaCl in 1 L of solution or 29.22 g of NaCl. Important Points to Remember Molarity is expressed in terms of liter of solution, not liters of solvent. To prepare a solution, the flask is filled to the mark. In other words, it is incorrect to a 1 liter of water to a mass of sample to prepare a molar solution.Sometimes its necessary to adjust the pH of a solution. To do this, add enough water to dissolve the solute. Then add an acid or base solution dropwise (usually a hydrochloric acid or HCl solution for acid or sodium hydroxide or NaOH solution for a base) to reach the desired pH. Then add more water to reach the mark on the glassware. Adding more water wont change the pH value.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Current State of Mobile Crowd Sensing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Current State of Mobile Crowd Sensing - Essay Example The devices consist of certain sensing equipment and wireless power that make it easier to develop and upload data to the internet (Ganti et al. Page 32). The mobile devices are equipped with various communication computing and sensing systems. They boost the functions of the daily life objects or involved in the collection of information from the environment by themselves. These devices have got applications in all sectors of the economy including health sector, industrial sector, agricultural sector and education sectors. Information sharing and updating have become easier and the information have been of high quality. The paper therefore discusses in broad the current state of art of mobile Crowdsensing looking into the current application in technology. It also discusses the possible future advances and challenges facing this technology. The mobile crowdsensing applications fall into two broad categories considering the type of facts that are analyzed; personal and computing sensing. The application of personal sensing is directed towards the individual. A good example is examining the movement of individuals, especially during exercise to determine his or her health status. Another example is the one that examines the method of transportation of an individual in order to get the carbon footprint of the person. Community sensing involves examination of facts that cannot be carried out by one person. A good example is the examination of the level of air pollution or traffic congestion. It has therefore been made easier to carry out self or community assessment. One can easily identify and know the body status and decide on whether to seek medical assistance at certain times (Ganti et al.Page 32). The current state of the art of mobile crowdsensing has shown its applications in various sectors in the world. Its application has been seen in the environment, infrastructure and social applications. The environmental applications involve the natural environment including examining pollution levels, wildlife habitats and levels of water. These applications involve looking the facts in the environment at a large and involved the main person.  Ã‚  

Friday, November 1, 2019

Greek Culture pertaining to the the foods they eat Essay

Greek Culture pertaining to the the foods they eat - Essay Example Food is the essence of life for a Greek, and for generations the ritual of cooking the main family meal has been that of the woman of the household. She will begin preparing an elaborate, complicated meal often from the morning, so that it is ready when the man and the children return home from work and school. Breakfast usually consists of a strong Greek coffee (ΕÎ »ÃŽ »ÃŽ ·ÃŽ ½ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ºÃÅ') and a bread ring (ÃŽÅ¡ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€¦ÃŽ »ÃŽ ¿Ã Ã ÃŽ ¹) and is of no particular importance. The main meal of the day is an important family event; it is where the family members (and often friends) converse around the table and communicate – most socialising is based upon eating and drinking. The main meal is often eaten late afternoon, although this depends on the season (during the summer, it will be earlier) and is traditionally followed by a one to two hour nap, after which the man will often return to work for some hours. This concerns the working hours of Greece in general, althou gh there are exceptions as always, depending again on the season or the type of work as well as whether the family lives in a major city or small village. Of course, this is just a very basic introduction as to what the food culture in Greece consists of, albeit necessary in order to progress into the more specific areas. It is safe to say, however, that the Greek food culture is one engrained through centuries of tradition, which have kept a steadfast hold of families despite our entry into the ‘modern age’. I will now explain the most popular types of foods for the Greeks and the recipes in which they can be found. Generally, the basic ingredients of Greek cuisine are not many, but each is used in a variety of ways to make very different dishes. As has already been stated, the main meal of the day is the most important. It is elaborate and usually consists of a main meat dish, along with other smaller side dishes and often some form of dip. Lamb is very popular in villages and other such rural areas,